Numerous python libaries are available that provide python programmers access to specialized algorithms, data structures, and data file types. Also for bioinformatics several libraries are available, e.g. biopython, ete, pysam.
The biopython library and how it can be used to perform bioinformatics analyzes will be introduced, e.g.
  • working with sequences and NGS sequencing data,
  • accessing online data bases (Entrez),
  • comparing sequences (pairwise, multiple, and BLAST)
  • phylogenetic trees
Furthermore a short introduction to other bioinformatics python library will be given (e.g. ete and pysam).

Participants may suggest other topics of interest (>2 weeks) ahead of the course.
Didactic Aims
  • Perform simple bioinformatics analyses with python
  • Practice programming in python
  • Deepen the understanding of the python language
Didactic Elements
Lecture, group exercises, home work
Target Group
Doctoral Researchers
Postdocs & Senior Scientists
Technical Staff
Required Prior Knowledge
Participants must take part in the course "Introduction to Python" or have a good knowledge of Python.

Complementary Courses/Learning Resources
  • The Linux Command Line (Application to Bioinformatic Problem Solving)
  • Introduction to scientific programming with Python

Organisational Info
Date: 20.05.2019 09:00 – 21.05.2019 17:00
Course Duration in Days: 2
Location: UFZ Leipzig: building 2, Blauer Salon
Course Language: English
Registration Deadline: 15.05.2019
Cancellation Deadline: 25.04.2019
Participation fee for externals (net): 0.00 €

Focus on scientific exchange: Yes

Participants need to bring their own laptop. If no laptop is available, please contact Matthias Bernt.

Need help? Contact: / 0341 235 4652

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