Next Generation Sequencing Techniques allow to analyse the transcribed parts of the DNA. This requires to reconstruct the transcripts from the short reads that are obtained by the sequencing technique. The estimation of the quantities of the transcripts allows the comparison of transcript abundance of different samples.
The course introduces the theory and practice of Transcriptomics including best practices and examples from UFZ.

The wat lab procedures for obtaining transcriptome data from samples will be explained, e.g. sample preparation and sequencing with an Illumina sequencer.

The theory of the bioinformatics analysis of sequencing data will be explained. Practical analyses of transcriptimics data will be performed using the UFZ Galaxy server. The bioinformatics part will cover the following topics:
  • Quality control
  • Analysis of RNA sequencing data using a reference genome
  • Reconstruction of transcripts without reference transcriptome (de novo)
  • Analysis of differentially expressed genes
Didactic Aims
  • Understand sample preparation and next generation sequencing of transcriptomics data
  • Using the UFZ Galaxy Server
  • Analyse transcriptomics data using the Galaxy server
  • Understand the used bioinformatics methods
Didactic Elements
Theoretical input, group exercises
Target Group
Doctoral Researchers
Postdocs & Senior Scientists
Technical Staff
Complementary Courses/Learning Resources
  • Introduction to Amplicon and Metagenome Analyses
Organisational Info
Date: 02.09.2019 09:00 – 03.09.2019 17:00
Course Duration in Days: 2
Location: UFZ Leipzig: building 2, Blauer Salon
Course Language: English
Registration Deadline: 02.08.2019
Cancellation Deadline: 12.08.2019
Participation fee for externals (net): 0.00 €

Focus on scientific exchange: Yes
Eligibility for participation: 1.31

The participants will do the exercises on their own laptops. Please contact Matthias Bernt if no laptop is available.
Need help? Contact: / 0341 235 4652

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