The academic system favors and rewards a high performance orientation and triggers constant competition with others. Sometimes high performance orientation can lead to a stressful behavior of perfectionism, which can lead to self-exploitation and prevent you from setting reasonable priorities. This training helps to better understand your own performance motivation and to find a healthy way to deal with high expectations and an overabundance of tasks.
Participants will analyze their own motivation and learn about red flags leading to unhealty perfectionism. You will learn to better understand your personal limits and find resources that help to set your own limits. You will find out how to positively change your attitude towards mistakes and imperfection and learn practical methods to prevent yourself from being trapped in perfectionism.
Didactic Aims
  • Participants will reflect on their intrinsic motivation
  • Participants will learn to understand how dealing with perfectionism induced stress is the key to mental health
  • Participants will deal with their awareness of their personal limits and find ways to set and defend them
  • Participants will learn about self-management technics (e.g. Pareto Principle and others) to set reasonable priorities
Didactic Elements
On-site training at UFZ Leipzig, online follow up and coaching sessions. (Switch to a full online-format should be possible in case of unforeseeable circumstances.)
Target Group
Doctoral Researchers
Postdocs & Senior Scientists
Science Managers
Required Prior Knowledge
Complementary Courses/Learning Resources
  • Mental health / Resilience for Researchers
Organisational Info
  • On-site Training: 15.11.2023, 9:00 - 16:00, UFZ, KUBUS,hall 2
  • Online follow-up: 07.12.2023, 9:00 - 14:00

Course Duration in Days: 2
Location: UFZ, KUBUS, hall 2
Course Language: English
Registration Deadline: 15.10.2023
Cancellation Deadline: 25.10.2023

Focus on scientific exchange: Yes


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